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Oh Crit! The DnD Improv Show Video Campaign from September

  Hello again, void. I’m sorry it’s been a few months since you heard from me. There’s just so much going on right now, it’s hard to keep everything straight. Ok, where were we? Right, back in September. Back in September some very good...
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My name is William Petruzzo

I am an artist and a creative explorer.

I began my journey as a child admiring my father’s photography. I took a liking to illustration and cinema, and later to graphic design. My medium has always been visual, until recently when I began experimenting with music.

In my view, art is uniquely human, and that is how I define it: as that which is created by a human with intention. I believe there is a great deal to learn about ourselves and those around us if we give ourselves to the discipline of bringing things to life every day. Even when it’s ugly, art is love and love brings life.

I believe a happy life is one with people you love, and passions you have the freedom to pursue. I create for myself, and for my livelihood. If you are interested in commissioning my services, you can do so through the Petruzzo Photography collective. You can also find me on Mastodon.

Shix! I Made Some Music

106 nonconsecutive hours ago, I started tooling around with electronic music. Before that I had no experience with song writing, or instrumental arrangement. I also had no experience with the technical side of creating music–even music made almost entirely from...

City Shapes

Not as recently as I’d like, I spent a few days trudging the streets of New York. Just for for fun. I met a working stage actor and bought tea that smells like a campfire. I went bar hopping, which is not something I do. And I pointed my camera at stuff I...

Moon Base No Go

I was briefly mesmerized by the way light reflected off the surface of an egg carton, simultaneously leaking backlight. I got situated to capture some abstract images before realizing the idea wasn’t really unfolding the way I wanted it to. It happens. But the...

There Will Be Dirt

This weekend the creative itch struck and I spent some time with the camera playing in the dirt. Actually, no that’s not true. Felipe and I were just taking advantage of this fine young gentleman’s availability. I was pretty satisfied after this image, but...

Broken Key

During the polar vortex, it got cold enough for my key to break in the door. Or the key was already weakened and my hulk-like strength did it in. Whatever the case, the sentimental part of my brain sprung into overdrive and I started reminiscing about all the special...

I “Painted” a Picture: Learning Freehand Digital Painting

I think the last time I drew a picture that had nothing to do with a bank’s hold-time was probably 15 years ago. My dad says I was pretty good at it for a 13 year old. Today, the internet is full of 13 year olds who’ve figured out how to do freaky...

Books I’ve Been Reading

The Confidence Gap [Review]

I’ve always had a sense that confidence played a bigger part in things than the textbooks were letting on. Of all the strangenesses of the human mind, “confidence” (yes, with suspicious quotes, too) is perhaps the most interesting to me. I generally...

The Happiness Hypothesis [Review]

The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt is a book about something almost anyone with a religious background and a growing interest in science and psychology has probably wondered about. If you read almost any ancient religious text, you’ll find an awful lot...

Little Red Book of Selling [Review]

Jeffrey Gitomer’s Little Red Book of Selling: 12.5 Principles fo sales greatness: How to make sales FOREVER has way too many freaking subheadings to be taken seriously. Just kidding, but there are a totally unreasonable number of books about sales. I’ve...

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