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Keep On Trying; or Music from May

Keep On Trying; or Music from May

    The last two months have been a whirlwind. Petruzzo Photography has been traveling and booking like crazy recently, which is a very good thing, but it’s also taken some time away from my personal artistic pursuits; These things ebb and flow though....
Stitching Images Up Through April

Stitching Images Up Through April

Around February this year, I began working with a photo stitching technique. It’s known as the Brenizer method and its a way of taking a series of images captured with a longer lens, and stitching them together to make a wider angle photo. Creating images with...
Let the Elephants Run [Review]

Let the Elephants Run [Review]

Let the Elephants Run by David Usher is an inspiration book for artists with a lot of creativity, but lacking that subtle “something-else” known as discipline. There is this crazy idea among creative people that stuff “just happens”....
How To Be Inspired Like a Pro

How To Be Inspired Like a Pro

I had a conversation recently with someone about artistic inspiration. Both of us artists and photographers, he wondered whether some people were simply inspired more often than others. It’s a good question, though the obvious answer is that some people probably do...