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Go For No [Review]

Go For No [Review]

Go For No might just be my least favorite book on the topic of sales that I have ever read. Not because the advice is bad, but because it reads a little like cult propaganda. How it got more than a thousand 4 and 5 star reviews on Amazon I’ll never know. Lets...
Little Red Book of Selling [Review]

Little Red Book of Selling [Review]

Jeffrey Gitomer’s Little Red Book of Selling: 12.5 Principles fo sales greatness: How to make sales FOREVER has way too many freaking subheadings to be taken seriously. Just kidding, but there are a totally unreasonable number of books about sales. I’ve...
Ask [Review]

Ask [Review]

Ask : The counterintuitive online formula to discover exactly what your customers want to buy…create a mass of raving fans…and take any business to the next level is a book by sales guru Ryan Lavesque, about a glaringly obvious way to interact with...
The Psychology of Sales Call Reluctance [Review]

The Psychology of Sales Call Reluctance [Review]

The Psychology of Sales Call Reluctance by George Dudley and Shannon Goodson is a critical and scientific look at a problem that plagues a lot of industries besides those with highly visible sales forces: Fear of Self Promotion. The Psychology of the Fear of Self...
The Ultimate Sales Machine [Review]

The Ultimate Sales Machine [Review]

The Ultimate Sales Machine by the late Chet Holmes, if followed on its word alone, is a guide to being the most obnoxious sales person in history, and running the most uptight company ever. But, this is a title that is also held dear to the hearts of many very...