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The Power of Habit [Review]

The Power of Habit [Review]

I said to a group of friends over the weekend, “Hey, I just started reading this great book called The Power of Something”. Everyone laughed because it’s always a book about the power of something or other with me. Perhaps that’s my habit—I see a book title promising...
ReWork [Review]

ReWork [Review]

ReWork by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson is a book dedicated to throwing water on what are commonly though of as business ‘non-negotiables’. The authors claim authority in their deconstruction right from the start. “This book isn’t based on...
The Path of Least Resistance [Review]

The Path of Least Resistance [Review]

Whenever I read an old, well-liked, book and then sit down to write a review, I suddenly feel kind of silly calling it a review. In fact, that happens almost every time. “Uh, that ship has sailed buddy.” I imagine people must be thinking when they read my...