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Fumbling with Film in April

Fumbling with Film in April

Between about September and October of last year, I shot my first rolls of film in 15 years. It was invigorating. Approaching fresh, after more than a decade working as a photographer in the digital medium, film has invited me to slow down the process of seeing,...
March Was All About the Art Show

March Was All About the Art Show

  I spent pretty much all of March working on something I’d be willing to show in an art gallery, because that’s what was going on in March. My friends are crafty, artsy people. We like to get together, but we also like to feel intellectual while...
Pop-Up Sessions in February

Pop-Up Sessions in February

Spring started in February, and I was itching to get outside. I made a trip out to Annapolis on my own one afternoon to simply shoot whatever. It was fun interacting with the random people on the street, and I quickly got into a “pop-up session” groove....
On Photography [Review]

On Photography [Review]

Susan Sontag was a writer, philosopher and activist. She was born in 1933, did some stuff, and died in 2004. During that “doing some stuff” phase, she was politically outspoken with a brand that has since become the archetypical caricature of leftist nut jobs. In the...
Taking to the Skies in November

Taking to the Skies in November

A drone is a purchase I’ve been dancing around for the better part of a year now, and in November, I decided to take the plunge. My interest in drones is twofold. First, as a photographer I crave new vantage points and new ways to capture the images in my head. From...