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“Don’t Mind a Thing” Music from August

“Don’t Mind a Thing” Music from August

So here we finally are, onto the second half of the project I posted a couple weeks ago. Well, no, this and the other one are in fact discrete projects. But, I’m lumping them together because I switched back and forth between working on one and working on the...
“See For Yourself” Music from July

“See For Yourself” Music from July

These last few months, my projects have seemed to become this nebulous blob. One day I’m out shooting a roll of film for something I think’ll be done sometime next year. The next day I’m setting up lights and cameras for some interview style videos....
No Vacations in September, Except This Rendition of One

No Vacations in September, Except This Rendition of One

This has been a tough one. This post comes reluctantly, with a plethora of second guesses. My commitment to myself is to invest energy every month in an art project and post it when the clock says it’s done. I’ve posted some somewhat incomplete projects in the past....
Keep On Trying; or Music from May

Keep On Trying; or Music from May

    The last two months have been a whirlwind. Petruzzo Photography has been traveling and booking like crazy recently, which is a very good thing, but it’s also taken some time away from my personal artistic pursuits; These things ebb and flow though....
I just put my music on Spotify, and here’s why

I just put my music on Spotify, and here’s why

  In the last 15 months, I’ve written and recorded 16 songs. I invested hundreds of hours into the project, learning a great deal about how and why music ‘works’. I am, by no stretch of the imagination, an expert or a professional, or even...