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Stamped from the Beginning [Review]

Stamped from the Beginning [Review]

I have started, and stopped and started, and deleted, and started and deleted and started again, on this write up of Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi at least half a dozen times. There’s some part of me that feels like a ‘review’ is...
Childhood Technology in June

Childhood Technology in June

When I was growing up, the Petruzzo Family were not technology aficionados. We didn’t have a TV, our car didn’t have a cassette player, and we didn’t have camcorders capturing our lifelike movements for our future selves to be embarrassed about. It...
Photography: A Critical Introduction [Review]

Photography: A Critical Introduction [Review]

Photography: A Critical Introduction is an academic game of-catch up in the history of photographic development, and especially the debates around those developments. It was a good, exhausting read. The book, which is in its fifth edition, is on the reading list for...
Marriage, A History [Review]

Marriage, A History [Review]

Marriage, A History by Stephanie Coontz is not a book about wedding ceremonies. But, I found the book fascinating nonetheless. Since reading it, Fox News seem sillier than ever. It also challenged assumptions I didn’t know I have about the complementary natures...
Stonewall [Review]

Stonewall [Review]

I went to the Gay Pride parade in DC a few months ago. It would be my first time going, because I didn’t much feel like I had any business being there. Of course, I was wrong. There was a world of curiosities waiting there for me. I stood on the sidewalk...