by William | May 31, 2016
The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur by Mike Michalowicz is an irreverent guide to getting a business up and running without the formal advantages most other business books assume you’ll have. The title comes from that moment in the bathroom when you realize...
by William | Aug 17, 2015
The End of Jobs by Taylor Pearson is a book about the changing expectations of success in the world. “Globalization means you are no longer competing to be more knowledgeable than the person down the street, but more knowledgeable than seven billion people...
by William | Jun 22, 2014
We don’t talk about these things enough. Seriously, how is there not an entire course in high school dedicated to the discussion of money management and debt? How to Get Out of Debt, Stay out of Debt and Live Prosperously By Jerrold Mundis is, as the subheading...
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