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Let the Elephants Run [Review]

Let the Elephants Run [Review]

Let the Elephants Run by David Usher is an inspiration book for artists with a lot of creativity, but lacking that subtle “something-else” known as discipline. There is this crazy idea among creative people that stuff “just happens”....
How To Be Inspired Like a Pro

How To Be Inspired Like a Pro

I had a conversation recently with someone about artistic inspiration. Both of us artists and photographers, he wondered whether some people were simply inspired more often than others. It’s a good question, though the obvious answer is that some people probably do...
Creativity Habit [Review]

Creativity Habit [Review]

Creativity Habit is a book by an accomplished choreographer named Twlya Tharp. She wrote a book for creative people, but she had to dress it up like it was for everyone. At least I think that’s what happened. Her’s is a practical guide for day to day...
The Path of Least Resistance [Review]

The Path of Least Resistance [Review]

Whenever I read an old, well-liked, book and then sit down to write a review, I suddenly feel kind of silly calling it a review. In fact, that happens almost every time. “Uh, that ship has sailed buddy.” I imagine people must be thinking when they read my...
Within the Frame: The Journey of Photographic Vision [Review]

Within the Frame: The Journey of Photographic Vision [Review]

Within the Frame: The Journey of Photographic Vision by David DuChemin is actually the first photography book I have ever read. Most of my approach toward photography is either inherited from my father, or developed from within, and without, on my perpetual journey...