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Profitable Podcasting [Review]

Profitable Podcasting [Review]

Profitable Podcasting: Grow Your Business, Expand Your Platform, and Build a Nation of True Fans—look, I really, really didn’t enjoy reading this book, and before I get into why I’m glad I did anyway, I just want to get all this pent up bullshit out...
The Coaching Habit [Review]

The Coaching Habit [Review]

The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier is either really good or aggressively mediocre, depending what else you’ve already read. The book is aimed at helping managers and small business owners stop being the deus ex machina. The god in the machine. The one...
Go For No [Review]

Go For No [Review]

Go For No might just be my least favorite book on the topic of sales that I have ever read. Not because the advice is bad, but because it reads a little like cult propaganda. How it got more than a thousand 4 and 5 star reviews on Amazon I’ll never know. Lets...
What EveryBODY is Saying [Review]

What EveryBODY is Saying [Review]

What EveryBODY Is Saying by Joe Navarro is a book about body language. Yes, it’s probably the same book that guest on Fox News read right before confidently spouting a bunch of bullshit about how Obama was definitely lying because he took his hands out of his...
The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur [Review]

The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur [Review]

The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur by Mike Michalowicz is an irreverent guide to getting a business up and running without the formal advantages most other business books assume you’ll have. The title comes from that moment in the bathroom when you realize...